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Adjective foreboding has 1 sense
  1. fateful, foreboding, portentous - of ominous significance
    Antonym: unprophetic (indirect, via prophetic)
Noun foreboding has 2 senses
  1. foreboding, premonition, presentiment, boding - a feeling of evil to come; "a steadily escalating sense of foreboding"; "the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case"
    --1 is a kind of apprehension, apprehensiveness, dread
    --1 has particulars: shadow; presage
    Derived form: verb forebode1
  2. foreboding - an unfavorable omen
    --2 is a kind of
    omen, portent, presage, prognostic, prognostication, prodigy
    Derived form: verb forebode1
Verb forebode has 1 sense
  1. predict, foretell, prognosticate, call, forebode, anticipate, promise - make a prediction about; tell in advance; "Call the outcome of an election"
    --1 is one way to guess, venture, pretend, hazard
    Derived forms: noun foreboding1, noun foreboding2
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
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