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cgi-bin text html


Definitions from the Web

Term: cgi-bin


cgi-bin is a directory commonly found on web servers that is used for storing CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts. These scripts are executable files that generate dynamic web content and interact with the server, allowing websites to offer more interactive features and functionality.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

As a directory on a web server:

Sample Sentence: The cgi-bin directory is typically located in the root directory of a website.

Sense 2:

As a reference to CGI scripts:

Sample Sentence: The website uses a variety of scripts in the cgi-bin directory to process form submissions.

Sense 3:

As a term in URL path:

Sample Sentence: To access the site's administration panel, you need to enter www.example.com/cgi-bin/admin.

Sense 4:

As a designation for server-side programming:

Sample Sentence: Learning the basics of CGI programming can allow you to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

Possible Related Products:

For more information and resources related to CGI programming, you may find the following products on Amazon:

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