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cgi-bin quikstore


Definitions from the Web

cgi-bin quikstore


cgi-bin quikstore is a term that refers to a directory on a web server where CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts are stored, primarily used for e-commerce websites. It is often associated with the QuikStore software, a popular e-commerce solution.

CGI scripts stored in the cgi-bin directory are used to generate dynamic content on web pages, such as processing user input from forms, generating custom product pages, or handling online transactions.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The cgi-bin quikstore directory is crucial for running an online store.
  2. Please upload the CGI script to the cgi-bin directory.
  3. By configuring the cgi-bin quikstore correctly, you can create a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Related Products on Amazon:

QuikStore on Amazon
CGI Scripts on Amazon

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