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cgi-bin redir


Definitions from the Web

cgi-bin redir


cgi-bin redir refers to the redirection functionality of the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) script files located in the cgi-bin directory on a web server. It allows webmasters to redirect users from one URL to another or execute specific actions when accessing certain URLs.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1 - Redirection:

In the context of web development, cgi-bin redir is often used to implement URL redirections. It enables webmasters to redirect users to a different URL than the one originally requested.

Example: After submitting the form, the CGI script in the cgi-bin redir redirected the user to the confirmation page.

Sense 2 - Action Execution:

CGI scripts in the cgi-bin directory can also be used to execute specific actions, such as processing form data or performing server-side tasks.

Example: The cgi-bin redir script processed the user's login credentials and authenticated their access to the secure area of the website.

Sense 3 - Local Configuration:

In some cases, cgi-bin redir may also refer to a local configuration file specific to the cgi-bin directory. This file can contain settings and directives to control the behavior of CGI scripts.

Example: The cgi-bin redir configuration file specified the maximum allowed file size for uploaded files.

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