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Part of Speech: noun

Sense: A photograph that has been intentionally damaged or altered to remove or distort original elements.


  1. She created an unphoto by scratching the negative to add an element of chaos to her artwork.
  2. The exhibition featured various unphotos that challenged traditional notions of photography.

Part of Speech: verb

Sense: To remove or alter elements in a photograph to create an intentional distortion or damage.


  1. He decided to unphoto the picture by digitally manipulating it to create a surreal effect.
  2. She used a variety of editing techniques to unphoto the image and give it a vintage appearance.

Part of Speech: adjective

Sense 1: Not resembling or conforming to a typical photograph.


  1. The artist showcased her unphoto artwork at the contemporary gallery.
  2. His unphoto style captured the essence of urban decay in a unique and unconventional way.

Sense 2: Not suitable for being photographed.


  1. The delicate sculpture was unphoto and required in-person viewing to fully appreciate its intricate details.
  2. The unphoto scenery in the remote village couldn't be adequately captured by a camera.

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