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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unpersuasive has 1 sense
  1. unpersuasive - not capable of persuading
    convincing (indirect, via unconvincing)

Definitions from the Web

Term: Unpersuasive

Part of Speech: Adjective


When something is unpersuasive, it lacks the ability to convince or persuade others. It fails to sway opinions or make a compelling argument.


  • The sales pitch was unpersuasive, resulting in no new customers.
  • Her argument was unpersuasive as she presented no substantial evidence.
  • The candidate's speech was unpersuasive, and voters remained unconvinced.

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Part of Speech: Noun


The noun form of unpersuasive refers to a person or thing that lacks the power to persuade or convince others.


  • The article's weakness lies in being an unpersuasive.
  • The defendant's testimony was deemed unpersuasive by the jury.

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