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spiral spring


Definitions from WordNet

Noun spiral spring has 1 sense
  1. spiral spring - a spring that is wound like a spiral
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars: hairspring

Definitions from the Web

Spiral Spring


A spiral spring refers to a mechanical device designed to store energy and create resistance when compressed or stretched, commonly consisting of a coiled wire or strip.

Example Sentences:

  • He used a spiral spring to build a prototype of his new invention.
  • The clock's mechanism is powered by a spiral spring.


The term 'spiral spring' can also be used as an adjective to describe something that resembles or relates to the form, structure, or function of a spiral spring.

Example Sentences:

  • Her hair was styled in a beautiful spiral spring updo.
  • They designed a spiral spring staircase that added an elegant touch to the house.

Amazon Search:

You can find a variety of spiral springs and related products on Amazon using the following link.

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