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fish plate


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fish plate has 1 sense
  1. fishplate - metal plate bolted along sides of two rails or beams
    --1 is a kind of plate

Definitions from the Web

Fish Plate


A fish plate is a metal plate used in construction or railway tracks to join two rails together. It is shaped like a fish and ensures a secure and stable connection.


1. Construction

In construction, a fish plate refers to a metal plate that is used to join two pieces of metal together, typically in building structures or bridges.

Example sentence:

The fish plate was bolted to the ends of the steel beams to strengthen the connection.

2. Railway Tracks

In railway tracks, a fish plate is a plate-like connector that joins two rails together, maintaining their alignment and providing stability.

Example sentence:

The railway maintenance crew replaced the damaged fish plate to ensure the smooth running of the trains.

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