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fish loaf


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fish loaf has 1 sense
  1. fish loaf - flaked fish baked in a loaf with bread crumbs and various seasonings
    --1 is a kind of
    meat loaf, meatloaf
    --1 has particulars: salmon loaf

Definitions from the Web

Fish Loaf


A fish loaf refers to a dish made by combining minced or ground fish with various ingredients and seasonings, shaped into a loaf shape, and then baked or steamed until cooked. It can come in various forms and may include different types of fish.


Noun - Culinary Sense:

A fish loaf is a savory dish made by blending minced fish, usually with breadcrumbs, eggs, herbs, spices, and other flavorings, and then baking or steaming it. It is commonly served sliced, hot or cold, and can be accompanied by sauces or garnishes.

Example sentence: I decided to prepare a delicious fish loaf for dinner, using a combination of white fish, fresh herbs, and breadcrumbs.

Noun - Informal Sense:

In a playful sense, the term "fish loaf" can be used to describe a person or object that resembles or is perceived as unattractive, unappealing, or strange.

Example sentence: Have you seen the guy wearing that fish loaf shirt? It's so bizarre!

Verb - Cooking Sense:

To fish loaf (verb) means to prepare or cook a dish by combining minced or ground fish with other ingredients, shaping it into a loaf, and then baking or steaming it.

Example sentence: I'll fish loaf the salmon with fresh herbs and breadcrumbs, and then bake it to perfection.

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