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Verb brood has 5 senses
  1. brood, dwell - think moodily or anxiously about something
    --1 is one way to worry, care
    Sample sentence:
    Sam and Sue brood over the results of the experiment
  2. brood, hover, loom, bulk large - hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing; "The terrible vision brooded over her all day long"
    --2 is one way to hang
    Sample sentences:
    Some big birds brood in the tree
    There brood some big birds in the tree
  3. sulk, pout, brood - be in a huff and display one's displeasure; "She is pouting because she didn't get what she wanted"
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s
  4. grizzle, brood, stew - be in a huff; be silent or sullen
    --4 is one way to sulk, pout, brood
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s
    Somebody ----s PP
  5. brood, hatch, cover, incubate - sit on (eggs); "Birds brood"; "The female covers the eggs"
    --5 is one way to reproduce, procreate, multiply
    Derived forms: noun brood1, noun brooder1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s
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