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wire printer


Definitions from WordNet

Noun wire printer has 1 sense
  1. wire matrix printer, wire printer, stylus printer - an impact printer in which each character is represented by a pattern of dots made by wires or styli
    --1 is a kind of dot matrix printer, matrix printer, dot printer; impact printer

Definitions from the Web

Wire Printer

A wire printer refers to a type of computer printer that produces printed output by physically striking an ink ribbon against the paper through a series of tiny wires or pins. This method creates characters and images on the paper.

Example sentences:

1. The wire printer swiftly produced a clear and precise copy of the document.

2. The dot matrix wire printer was commonly used in offices during the 1980s and 1990s.

3. She installed the wire printer driver on her computer to ensure compatibility.

Related products:

To explore and purchase wire printers, you can search on Amazon:

Wire Printers on Amazon

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