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webmaster s


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A webmaster is an individual or a group responsible for managing and maintaining a website. They handle various tasks related to website development, design, content creation, and technical maintenance.


Sense 1:

Noun: A person responsible for managing and maintaining a website.

Example Sentence: The webmaster of the company's website regularly updates the content and ensures its smooth operation.

Sense 2:

Noun: A professional specializing in website development and management.

Example Sentence: Hiring a skilled webmaster can greatly enhance your online presence and user experience.


Usage 1:

Noun: The role or position of a webmaster.

Example Sentence: She aspired to work in a webmaster role, overseeing multiple websites and optimizing their performance.

Usage 2:

Verb: To act as a webmaster; to manage and maintain a website.

Example Sentence: He decided to webmaster his own blog instead of hiring someone else for the task.

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