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Definitions from WordNet

Noun wannabee has 1 sense
  1. aspirant, aspirer, hopeful, wannabe, wannabee - an ambitious and aspiring young person; "a lofty aspirant"; "two executive hopefuls joined the firm"; "the audience was full of Madonna wannabes"
    --1 is a kind of applicant, applier

Definitions from the Web

Term: wannabee


Wannabee is a noun that refers to a person who aspires or imitates the qualities, lifestyle, or success of someone else, usually in a futile or unauthentic manner.

As an adjective, wannabee describes something or someone who wants to be like a certain person or group, often with an insincere or unsuccessful attempt.


Sense 1:

  1. Noun: A person who imitates or tries to replicate the qualities or success of someone else, usually without achieving the same authentic results.
  2. Adjective: Describing a person or thing that imitates or tries to replicate the qualities or success of another, often without success or authenticity.


Noun usage:

  • He always dressed like a famous celebrity; everybody considered him a wannabee.
  • The competition was filled with wannabees who tried to imitate the singing style of the established artists.

Adjective usage:

  • Her wannabee friends wore similar outfits to match her trendy style.
  • The celebrity claimed the wannabee tribute artist lacked the genuine talent.

Related Products:

You can find related products on Amazon:

  1. Wannabee Costumes
  2. Wannabee Biographies
  3. Wannabee Music
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