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waltz around


Definitions from WordNet

Verb waltz around has 1 sense
  1. waltz, waltz around - dance a waltz
    --1 is one way to dance, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe
    Sample sentence:
    Sam and Sue waltz around

Definitions from the Web

Term: Waltz Around


Waltz around is a phrasal verb that refers to moving or dancing gracefully and smoothly in a circular or spinning motion. It can be used both in a literal and figurative sense, depending on the context.

Sample Sentences

Literal Usage:

  • During the ballroom dance competition, the couple waltzed around the room flawlessly.
  • She waltzed around the dance floor, captivating everyone with her elegant moves.
  • We watched in awe as the figure skater waltzed around the ice rink.

Figurative Usage:

  • After winning the lottery, he waltzed around the office, sharing his excitement with everyone.
  • The CEO waltzed around the company, making decisions without consulting anyone.
  • She confidently waltzed around the stage, delivering her powerful speech.

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