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unconscious comple 1 garlic in the web


Definitions from the Web

Unconscious Complex

Part of speech: Noun

Sense: A psychological term referring to a collection of repressed or suppressed thoughts, memories, and desires that influence a person's behavior and personality, often without their awareness.


  1. Heather's fear of public speaking stems from an unconscious complex related to a childhood trauma.
  2. Therapy can help individuals bring their unconscious complexes to conscious awareness and work through them.

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1 Garlic in the Web

Part of speech: Phrase

Sense: An expression used to describe irrelevant or inconsequential information found online while searching for something specific.


  1. While researching the history of ancient civilizations, I found 1 garlic in the web, such as cooking recipes and gardening tips.
  2. When looking for reliable news sources, it's important to avoid getting distracted by 1 garlic in the web.

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