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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unco has 1 sense
  1. uncanny, unco - beyond what is natural; "his uncanny sense of direction"; (`unco' is chiefly Scottish)
    Antonym: natural (indirect, via unnatural)
Adverbial unco has 1 sense
  1. unusually, remarkably, outstandingly, unco - to a remarkably degree or extent; "she was unusually tall"

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb

Definition: (Scottish) Awkward or clumsy in movement or behavior.

Example sentences:

  1. He was unco in his attempts to dance.
  2. She tripped over her own feet, feeling unco and embarrassed.
  3. His unco behavior at the party left everyone bemused.
  4. Despite his unco movements, he managed to finish the race.

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: (Scottish) A person who is awkward or clumsy.

Example sentence:

  • She is a true unco when it comes to sports.

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