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Noun - Popular Sense:

Triaful refers to a type of traditional dish originating from the coastal regions of Albania. It is a savory pie made from layers of filo pastry, filled with a mixture of spinach, feta cheese, and other flavorful ingredients. Triaful is a popular dish served during festive occasions and family gatherings.

Example sentence:

My grandmother's triaful recipe, passed down through generations, is always the star of our holiday feasts.

Related products:

Filo pastry on Amazon
Feta cheese on Amazon

Noun - Local Sense:

In the local dialect of some regions in Italy, "triaful" is a term used colloquially to refer to someone who is kind-hearted, generous, and always willing to lend a helping hand.

Example sentence:

Giuseppe has always been a true triaful, offering assistance without hesitation to anyone in need.

Related products:

Italian dictionaries on Amazon

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