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Definitions from WordNet

Noun topsy-turvydom has 1 sense
  1. chaos, pandemonium, bedlam, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvyness - a state of extreme confusion and disorder
    --1 is a kind of confusion
    --1 has particulars: balagan

Definitions from the Web



Topsy-turvydom refers to a state of confusion, disorder, or chaos.

Examples of usage

  1. Noun: The house was in complete topsy-turvydom after the party.
  2. Adjective: The topsy-turvydom world of Alice in Wonderland captivated the readers.
  3. Adverb: The magician's tricks turned the room completely topsy-turvydom.
  4. Verb: She toppled the tower of blocks, creating a topsy-turvydom of toys.

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