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thomas crawford


Definitions from WordNet

Noun thomas crawford has 1 sense
  1. Crawford, Thomas Crawford - United States neoclassical sculptor (1814-1857)
    --1 is a kind of sculptor, sculpturer, carver, statue maker

Definitions from the Web

Thomas Crawford


Thomas Crawford refers to either of the two following meanings:

  1. Thomas Crawford is the name of a famous American sculptor who lived during the 19th century. He was known for his neoclassical sculptures that adorned numerous public buildings and monuments.
  2. Thomas Crawford may also refer to a commonly used name for individuals of whom Thomas is the first name and Crawford is the surname.

Example Sentences:

  • The works of Thomas Crawford can be seen in many prominent locations around the United States.
  • One of Thomas Crawford's most notable sculptures is the Statue of Freedom atop the United States Capitol building.
  • Thomas Crawford is a talented artist known for his attention to detail and lifelike representations.
  • Thomas Crawford visited the art exhibition and admired the beautiful sculptures on display.
  • Would you like to join me for lunch tomorrow, Thomas Crawford?
  • Thomas Crawford is an exceptional architect renowned for his innovative designs.

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