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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tantalum has 1 sense
  1. tantalum, Ta, atomic number 73 - a hard gray lustrous metallic element that is highly corrosion-resistant; occurs in niobite and fergusonite and tantalite
    --1 is a kind of metallic element, metal
    --1 is a substance of fergusonite; niobite, columbite; tantalite

Definitions from the Web



Tantalum is a chemical element with the symbol Ta and atomic number 73. It is a shiny, rare, and lustrous metal in the transition metal group. Tantalum is highly resistant to corrosion and has excellent heat resistance, making it ideal for various industrial applications.

Sample Sentences:

  1. I need to buy some tantalum capacitors for my electronic project.
  2. The jewelry industry often uses tantalum in the creation of elegant and durable pieces.
  3. Tantalum is widely used in the aerospace and aviation industries due to its high melting point.
  4. Miners are tirelessly searching for tantalum deposits in hopes of meeting the increasing demand.

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