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1. A fictional creature that is said to dwell in enchanted forests. It is depicted as a small, mischievous being with pointy ears and a long tail.

Example sentence: The children believed that if they followed the syplh, it would lead them to hidden treasures in the forest.

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Syplh plush toy

Syplh storybook


1. (Intransitive) To dance wildly and carelessly, usually in a spontaneous and joyful manner.

Example sentence: The kids decided to syplh around the living room, laughing and twirling with abandon.

Related products:

Syplh dance tutorial DVD

Syplh party music playlist


1. (Informal) Used to describe something that is widely popular or trendy among a specific group of people.

Example sentence: The band's latest album became the syplh choice among indie music enthusiasts.

Related products:

Syplh trendy fashion accessories

Syplh popular gadgets

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