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Sweatheart is a term typically used to refer to a person who is loved dearly or regarded as very special. It can be used both as a noun and an adjective.


  1. A term of endearment used to address a loved one or a close friend.
  2. A person who is cherished or loved deeply.
  3. An informal term for a romantic partner or spouse.

Example Sentences:

  1. I bought some flowers for my sweatheart to celebrate our anniversary.
  2. My grandmother used to call me her little sweatheart.
  3. We've been together for years, and she will always be my sweatheart.


The term sweatheart can also be used as an adjective to describe something or someone that is endearing, lovable, or dear.

Example Sentences:

  1. The puppy's wagging tail and playful antics made him a sweatheart to everyone in the neighborhood.
  2. They donated a generous amount to the charity, showing their sweatheart nature.
  3. The little girl's innocent smile was truly sweatheart.

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