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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective swarthy has 1 sense
  1. dark-skinned, dusky, swart, swarthy - naturally having skin of a dark color; "a dark-skinned beauty"; "gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks"; "a smile on his swarthy face"; "`swart' is archaic"
    Antonyms: blond, blonde, light-haired (indirect, via brunet)

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Having a dark or dusky complexion.


  1. Adjective: Describing a person with a naturally dark or tanned skin color.
  2. Adjective: Relating to a dark and rich tone in color, often associated with objects.


  • 1. His swarthy complexion hinted at his Mediterranean heritage.
  • 2. The swarthy wood gave the room a cozy and elegant feel.

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