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Definitions from WordNet

Noun swanson has 1 sense
  1. Swanson, Gloria Swanson, Gloria May Josephine Svensson - United States actress in many silent films (1899-1983)
    --1 is a kind of actress

Definitions from the Web

Sense 1: A popular brand of canned and packaged food products.
Example sentence 1: My favorite Swanson product is their chicken broth, which I use in many of my homemade recipes.
Example sentence 2: Swanson TV dinners were a staple in many American households in the 1950s.

Sense 2: A surname originating from English and Scottish descent.
Example sentence 1: John Swanson is a common name in the small town of Appleton.
Example sentence 2: The renowned artist, Mary Swanson, is known for her vibrant landscape paintings.

Sense 3: (slang) A term used to refer to an attractive and sophisticated man.
Example sentence 1: Look at that swanson over there, he's definitely got style.
Example sentence 2: She couldn't resist his charm and wit - he was a true swanson.

Sense 4: (local) A small town located in the picturesque valley of Greenridge.
Example sentence 1: Swanson is a close-knit community where everyone knows each other.
Example sentence 2: The annual Swanson Harvest Festival attracts visitors from neighboring towns.

Sense 1: (slang) To consume a meal or food in a swift and enthusiastic manner.
Example sentence 1: After the long hike, we were starving and swansoned our picnic lunch in no time.
Example sentence 2: He swansoned the pizza slices as if he hadn't eaten in days.

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