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Part of Speech: Adjective


Refusing to change one's opinion or course of action; obstinate.


  1. Unyielding or persistent in maintaining a belief, opinion, or position.
  2. Inflexibly resistant to influence or control.
  3. Difficult to manage, control, or handle.
  4. Not easily giving up or releasing.



1. He is known for being stubborn and never admitting when he is wrong.

2. Despite numerous attempts to convince her otherwise, she remained stubborn in her decision.

3. The stubborn child refused to eat his vegetables.


1. In our local culture, being stubborn is often seen as a sign of strength and determination.

2. The stubborn old man, who has lived in this town his entire life, refuses to sell his property.

3. It's difficult to deal with stubborn attitudes in our local community.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Despite the convincing evidence presented, she remained stubborn in her belief.
  2. The company's stubborn resistance to change ultimately led to their downfall.
  3. My grandmother is a stubborn woman who refuses to use modern technology.

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