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stinking weed


Definitions from WordNet

Noun stinking weed has 1 sense
  1. coffee senna, mogdad coffee, styptic weed, stinking weed, Senna occidentalis, Cassia occidentalis - very leafy malodorous tropical weedy shrub whose seeds have been used as an adulterant for coffee; sometimes classified in genus Cassia
    --1 is a kind of senna

Definitions from the Web

Stinking Weed


Stinking Weed refers to a plant that emits a strong and unpleasant odor.


Sense 1:

Noun: A type of plant or weed with a foul smell.

Example sentence: Avoid walking through that patch of stinking weed; its smell is overpowering.

Related products: Stinking Weed Remover

Sense 2:

Adjective: Describing an offensive smell resembling that of certain plants.

Example sentence: The kitchen was filled with a stinking weed odor after forgetting to dispose of the rotting vegetables.

Related products: Odor Eliminator

Sense 3:

Adjective: Referring to a person or thing that is considered foul or disgusting.

Example sentence: The stinking weed of a politician only cared about his own interests rather than serving the people.

Related products: Toilet Air Freshener

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