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Noun steward has 5 senses
  1. steward - someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars: chamberlain
  2. steward - the ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements
    --2 is a kind of
    officer, ship's officer
  3. steward, flight attendant - an attendant on an airplane
    --3 is a kind of attendant, attender, tender
    --3 has particulars: stewardess, air hostess, hostess
  4. shop steward, steward - a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management
    --4 is a kind of union representative
  5. custodian, keeper, steward - one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals
    --5 is a kind of defender, guardian, protector, shielder
    --5 has particulars:
     caretaker; curator, conservator; gamekeeper, game warden; greenskeeper; house sitter; janitor; lighthouse keeper; pet sitter, critter sitter; zoo keeper
stevens power law stevenson steves stevia stevil stew stew stew meat steward stewardess stewardesses stewardness stewards stewardship stewardship of stewart stewart

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