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Statutory is an adjective that refers to something related to or established by a formal law or statute.


  1. Pertaining to a legal requirement or obligation.
  2. Authorized or mandated by a statute.


Popular Usage:

  • In most countries, there are statutory regulations governing the minimum working age.
  • It is a statutory requirement to wear a seatbelt while driving.
  • Parents have a statutory obligation to provide for their children's education.

Local Usage:

  • The local government implemented statutory limits on noise pollution.
  • According to the city's building codes, the construction of any new structure must adhere to statutory height restrictions.
  • A statutory holiday is observed on the first Monday of each month in this region.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The company was fined for violating various statutory regulations.
  2. The new legislation introduced several statutory changes to the taxation system.
  3. Failure to comply with the statutory obligations may result in legal consequences.


  1. Residents protested against the proposed removal of the statutory park in their neighborhood.
  2. The local bakery follows the statutory guidelines for cleanliness and food handling.
  3. Every statutory holiday, the town organizes a festive parade for its citizens.

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