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Term: spend-spend-spend

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: To spend money freely and excessively

Description: The term "spend-spend-spend" is an idiomatic expression used to describe the act of spending money in a lavish and extravagant manner without any regard for saving or budgeting. It implies a reckless and impulsive spending behavior.

Sample Sentence: She couldn't resist the temptation of a sale and ended up spending-spend-spend on clothes and accessories she didn't really need.

Amazon Related Products: Shopping, Budgeting

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: The act of spending money excessively

Description: As a noun, "spend-spend-spend" refers to the act of spending money excessively and without restraint. It represents a state of indulgence in luxurious or unnecessary purchases.

Sample Sentence: Their constant spend-spend-spend was the reason they found it difficult to save money for emergencies.

Amazon Related Products: Shopping, Finance

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Characterized by lavish and excessive spending

Description: The adjective form of "spend-spend-spend" is used to describe something that is known for its tendency to involve excessive spending or denotes a person's extravagant behavior of spending money.

Sample Sentence: Their spend-spend-spend lifestyle left them in massive debt and constant financial stress.

Amazon Related Products: Shopping, Debt Management

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