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Siobhan is a feminine given name of Irish origin. It is derived from the Irish Gaelic name "Siobhán" which means "God is gracious". It is commonly used in Ireland and other English-speaking countries.


1. As a proper noun:

- Siobhan is a beautiful name for a baby girl.

- My friend Siobhan is from Ireland.

- Siobhan joined the meeting late.

2. As an adjective (describing a person):

- She has such a Siobhan personality, always kind and compassionate.

- Siobhan characteristics make her a great leader.

- The team was impressed by her Siobhan behavior and work ethics.

3. As a verb (rare usage):

- You need to Siobhan yourself and let go of the past.

- Siobhan your fears and take a leap of faith.

- She needs to Siobhan her old habits and start afresh.

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