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silver spruce


Definitions from WordNet

Noun silver spruce has 1 sense
  1. Colorado spruce, Colorado blue spruce, silver spruce, Picea pungens - tall spruce with blue-green needles and dense conic crown; older trees become columnar with lower branches sweeping downward
    --1 is a kind of spruce

Definitions from the Web

Silver Spruce


Silver spruce refers to a coniferous tree belonging to the Picea genus. It is characterized by its beautiful silvery-blue needles, which give the tree its distinctive appearance. The silver spruce tree is native to the western parts of North America and is often cultivated for its ornamental value.

Sample Sentences:

  • The silver spruce trees in the park shimmered in the sunlight.
  • I love the scent of the silver spruce needles during winter.
  • Due to its graceful shape and silver foliage, the silver spruce is a popular choice for landscaping.

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