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Definitions from the Web

Term: Silicone-based

Part of Speech: Adjective


  1. Made or composed with silicone.
  2. Incorporating silicone as an essential component.


  1. Popular: Refers to any product, material, or substance that contains silicone as a major ingredient.
  2. Local: Refers to products or materials commonly found or used in a specific locality.

Sample Sentences:

  • The silicone-based lubricant provided a long-lasting and smooth effect.
  • She applied a silicone-based primer before applying foundation to create a flawless look.
  • Many industries employ silicone-based adhesives in their manufacturing processes.
  • The local artist used a unique silicone-based paint for his mural.

Related Products:

silicon-gel silicon silicon bronze silicon carbide silicon chip silicon dioxide silicon oxide silicon valley silicone-based silicone-filled silicone-gel silicone silicone polymer silicone resin silicone rubber siliconosis silicosis

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