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sentences with abide


Definitions from the Web

Abide (Verb)

Definition: To accept or act in accordance with a rule, decision, or guideline.

Example Sentence: The students must abide by the school's dress code policy.

Abide (Verb)

Definition: To tolerate or put up with something.

Example Sentence: I can't abide his constant complaining anymore.

Abide (Verb)

Definition: To continue to exist or remain unchanged.

Example Sentence: The peaceful atmosphere abides in this neighborhood.

Abide (Verb)

Definition: To dwell or reside in a place.

Example Sentence: The hermit abides in the cave amidst the mountains.

Abide (Noun)

Definition: A feeling or attitude of acceptance towards something.

Example Sentence: She has great abide towards different cultures and customs.

Abide (Noun)

Definition: A temporary location for someone to stay.

Example Sentence: The beach hut served as their abide during the vacation.

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