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Definitions from WordNet

Noun semifinal has 1 sense
  1. semifinal, semi - one of the two competitions in the next to the last round of an elimination tournament
    --1 is a kind of match
    --1 is a part of elimination tournament

Definitions from the Web



The semifinals refer to the stage in a tournament or competition in which the remaining participants compete to advance to the final round. It usually involves the top four or top two performers.

Example sentence:

After defeating their opponents in the quarterfinals, the team confidently moved on to the semifinals.

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When used as an adjective, semifinals describes something related to or happening in the stage of a tournament or competition before the final round.

Example sentence:

The semifinals match had an intense and competitive atmosphere.

Related products:

Semifinals themed t-shirts

Caps with semifinals design


As a verb, semifinals can be used to describe the act of progressing to the semifinal stage of a tournament or competition.

Example sentence:

They successfully semifinaled in the national chess championship.

Related products:

Tickets for upcoming semifinals

Livestreams of semifinals

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