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The term "self-brake" refers to a mechanism or device designed to automatically engage or activate the braking system, typically found in various vehicles or equipment.

In the context of personal safety, "self-brake" can also describe an individual's ability to control and manage oneself in difficult or challenging situations.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adjective

Senses and Usages:

Noun (1):

A self-brake (noun) is a mechanical device that automatically applies the brakes in a vehicle when a predetermined condition is met.

Example sentence: The car's self-brake engaged when it detected an obstacle in its path, preventing a collision.

Related products: Vehicle Self-Brakes on Amazon

Verb (1):

To self-brake (verb) means to cause a vehicle or equipment to activate its braking system automatically.

Example sentence: The advanced technology self-brakes the treadmill in case of an emergency to ensure user safety.

Related products: Self-Braking Treadmills on Amazon

Adjective (1):

A self-brake (adjective) describes a mechanism or device that has the ability to engage the brakes automatically.

Example sentence: The self-brake feature on the scooter provides extra stability and control on steep descents.

Related products: Self-Brake Gears on Amazon

Noun (2):

In a figurative sense, self-brake (noun) can also refer to an individual's capacity to exercise self-control and restraint in challenging situations.

Example sentence: During the heated argument, he applied the self-brake and refrained from saying hurtful things.

Related products: Self-Help Books on Amazon

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