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Definitions from WordNet

Noun saprolegniales has 1 sense
  1. Saprolegniales, order Saprolegniales - order of chiefly aquatic fungi
    --1 is a kind of fungus order
    --1 is a member of Oomycetes, class Oomycetes
    --1 has members: Saprolegnia, genus Saprolegnia

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Saprolegniales refers to an order of aquatic fungi commonly found in fresh or brackish water. These fungi are parasitic or saprophytic in nature and often cause diseases in fish, amphibians, and other aquatic organisms.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Noun - Taxonomy: In taxonomy, Saprolegniales is an order within the class Oomycetes, characterized by their filamentous hyphae and zoospore production.
  2. Example sentence: The Saprolegniales order encompasses several species known for their destructive effects on aquatic ecosystems.

  3. Noun - Pathology: In pathology, Saprolegniales are responsible for the condition known as saprolegniasis, which affects the skin and gills of fish and other aquatic organisms.
  4. Example sentence: The occurrence of saprolegniasis outbreaks in fish farms has led to significant economic losses in the aquaculture industry.

  5. Adjective - Popular: In a popular context, saprolegniales can describe something related to or resembling the appearance or characteristics of these aquatic fungi.
  6. Example sentence: The artist created a stunning piece with a saprolegniales-inspired design, incorporating elements reminiscent of the delicate structures found in fungi.

  7. Adjective - Local: In a local context, saprolegniales can pertain to species, habitats, or events specific to a particular region or locale.
  8. Example sentence: Local researchers conducted a comprehensive study on the impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of saprolegniales in the nearby river.

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