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sample sentence


Definitions from the Web

Sample Sentence


In the context of language and linguistics, a sample sentence is a complete sentence that is used as an example to illustrate the usage, structure, or meaning of a particular word, phrase, or grammatical construction. It serves as a demonstration or template for understanding how words or phrases can be employed in various contexts.

Senses and Usages

1. In grammar and linguistics, a sample sentence is often used to exemplify the syntactic and semantic qualities of a specific word or phrase.

Example: "The sample sentence 'I like apples' demonstrates the use of the verb 'like' in expressing preferences."

2. In language learning, sample sentences are widely used as learning tools to help learners better understand the meaning and usage of new vocabulary words or grammar structures.

Example: "The textbook provides sample sentences to illustrate how to use adjectives in sentences."

3. In computational linguistics, sample sentences are utilized as data for training natural language processing models, including machine translation, text summarization, and sentiment analysis.

Example: "The dataset consists of 10,000 sample sentences collected from various sources for training the language model."

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