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sales patter


Definitions from the Web

Sales Patter


Sales patter refers to the persuasive language or dialect typically used by salespeople to promote a product or service and convince potential customers to make a purchase.


Noun - Popular Usage:

The salesman's sales patter was so convincing that I couldn't resist buying the new smartphone.

She perfected her sales patter to effectively sell her handmade jewelry.

Noun - Local Usage:

In his sales patter, the local street vendor enthusiastically described the benefits of his handmade crafts.

The magician entertained the audience with his sales patter, attracting more people to watch his show.

Verb - Popular Usage:

The talented salesperson skillfully used her sales patter to close the deal.

He would often practice his sales patter in front of a mirror to improve his presentation skills.

Verb - Local Usage:

Even though the local vendor had a thick accent, his sales patter managed to captivate the tourists.

She charmingly sales pattered her way into convincing everyone to buy tickets for the charity event.

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