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reaqdy position


Definitions from the Web

Term: Reaqdy Position

Part of Speech: Noun, Verb, Adjective

Sense 1: (Noun) The position in which someone or something is prepared and waiting for action or a signal.

Example Sentence 1: The soldiers took their reaqdy positions as they awaited further instructions from their commander.

Example Sentence 2: The goalkeeper quickly moved into reaqdy position to block the penalty kick.

Sense 2: (Verb) To prepare and position oneself or something for action or a signal.

Example Sentence 1: The theater crew reaqdy positioned the props and set up the stage for the upcoming play.

Example Sentence 2: She reaqdy positioned herself near the finish line, ready to sprint as soon as the race started.

Sense 3: (Adjective) Describing something that is readily accessible, available, or prepared.

Example Sentence 1: The emergency exits are clearly marked and kept in reaqdy position for any unforeseen circumstances.

Example Sentence 2: I always keep my reaqdy position playlist on my phone so that I can easily play it whenever I want.

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