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Definitions from the Web


Part of speech: Noun

Sense: 1

Definition: A traditional Indian musical composition consisting of a melodic framework and improvised variations, commonly performed in Hindustani classical music.

Example sentence: The sitar player gave a stunning performance of a raits, captivating the audience with his skillful improvisations.

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Part of speech: Noun

Sense: 2

Definition: A digital representation of an individual's personality traits and characteristics, often used in various psychological assessments and online personality tests.

Example sentence: The online personality test provided a detailed analysis of my raits, helping me understand myself better.

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Part of speech: Verb

Sense: 1

Definition: To strongly criticize or condemn someone or something.

Example sentence: The music critic raitsed the new album, stating that it lacked originality and creativity.

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Part of speech: Adjective

Sense: 1

Definition: Pertaining to the local community or region; not widely known or recognized.

Example sentence: The small bookstore focuses on selling raits books from local authors, supporting the literary talent of the region.

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