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race example


Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Noun, Verb


1. Noun:

- The act of competing in a test of speed.

Example sentence: The athletes prepared themselves for the race by stretching and warming up.

Related products on Amazon: Running Shoes, Athletic Shorts

2. Noun:

- A contest of speed, especially in vehicles.

Example sentence: The Formula One race attracted thousands of motorsport fans from around the world.

Related products on Amazon: Remote Controlled Cars, Racing Helmets

3. Noun:

- A group of people sharing the same characteristics or qualities, such as ethnicity or nationality.

Example sentence: The neighborhood celebrates its cultural diversity with an annual race festival.

Related products on Amazon: National Flags, Cultural Celebration Cookbook

4. Verb:

- To compete against someone in a race.

Example sentence: John challenged his friend to race him to the end of the block.

Related products on Amazon: Racing Bicycles, Track and Field Shoes

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