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quarter horse


Definitions from WordNet

Noun quarter horse has 1 sense
  1. quarter horse - a small powerful horse originally bred for sprinting in quarter-mile races in Virginia
    --1 is a kind of
    saddle horse, riding horse, mount

Definitions from the Web

Quarter Horse


A Quarter Horse refers to a breed of horse known for its incredible speed and versatility. It is one of the most popular horse breeds in the United States and is often used in various equestrian activities, including racing, rodeo events, and working on ranches.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: Noun - Breed of Horse

Sample Sentence: The Quarter Horse is known for its powerful hindquarters, compact build, and exceptional agility.

Related Products: Amazon Search - Quarter Horse

Sense 2: Noun - A coin worth 25 cents

Sample Sentence: He dropped a quarter horse into the vending machine to get a pack of gum.

Related Products: Amazon Search - Coin Holder

Sense 3: Adjective - Popular among a specific locality

Sample Sentence: That particular restaurant is a quarter horse in this town, regularly attracting locals and tourists alike.

Related Products: Amazon Search - Local Food

Sense 4: Verb - To divide into four equal parts

Sample Sentence: She decided to quarter horse the pizza to serve it among her family and friends.

Related Products: No related products.

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