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put high


Definitions from the Web

Term: Put High

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1: To place something at a considerable height

Example Sentence: I put the vase high on the shelf so that it wouldn't get knocked over.

Related Products: Decorative Vases

Sense 2: To elevate one's position or status

Example Sentence: After years of hard work, she put herself high in the company hierarchy.

Related Products: Career Development Books

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Having a strong effect on someone

Example Sentence: The powerful and emotional movie put me in a high state of melancholy.

Related Products: Emotional Movies

Sense 2: Experiencing a state of excitement or euphoria

Example Sentence: After winning the championship, the team was put in a high state of celebration.

Related Products: Party Supplies

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense 1: To perform an action with great intensity or enthusiasm

Example Sentence: The band put on a high-energy performance that had the crowd cheering.

Related Products: Concert Tickets

Sense 2: To bet or gamble with a large amount of money

Example Sentence: He put high on the horse race, hoping for a big win.

Related Products: Horse Racing Betting Guides
put behind bars put differently put down put down to put fire put forth put forward put gurls put high put in put in another way put in prison put into practice put it on put my foot right in my mouth put of put off

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