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Definitions from WordNet

Noun psychopomp has 1 sense
  1. psychopomp - a conductor of souls to the afterworld; "Hermes was their psychopomp"
    --1 is a kind of
    imaginary being, imaginary creature

Definitions from the Web



A psychopomp is a deity, spirit, or other supernatural being that guides the souls of the deceased to the afterlife. It acts as a spiritual escort for the departed.


  1. Mythology: In mythology and folklore, a psychopomp is often associated with death and the transition from life to the afterlife.
  2. Religious Beliefs: In certain religions, psychopomps are revered as guardians or intermediaries between the living and the dead.
  3. Symbolic Representation: Psychopomps can also represent psychological or spiritual guidance through transitions, both physical and metaphorical.

Examples in Sentences:

  • The Greek god Hermes was considered a psychopomp, guiding souls to the underworld.
  • According to Egyptian mythology, Anubis, the jackal-headed god, served as a psychopomp.
  • In Native American cultures, the raven is often seen as a psychopomp, leading the souls of the deceased to the spirit world.
  • During the funeral ceremony, the priest acted as a psychopomp, reciting prayers to guide the departed soul.
  • The old folktale tells of a mysterious figure who acts as a psychopomp to help lost souls find their way home.

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