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Term: prophesized


The term "prophesized" is the past tense of the verb "prophesy." It refers to the act of predicting or foretelling future events or outcomes, often attributed to a prophet or a person with divine or supernatural powers. It can also indicate a belief in the occurrence of an expected or foretold event.


1. Verb (Past Tense):

  • The ancient seer prophesized the downfall of the kingdom.
  • She prophesized that a great flood would engulf the city.

2. Noun:

  • The prophecy that the chosen one would unite the warring tribes was prophesized centuries ago.
  • According to the prophesized destiny, the hero would bring peace to the land.

3. Adjective:

  • Everyone eagerly awaited the fulfillment of the prophesized event.
  • The prophets spoke of a prophesized golden age that would dawn upon the world.

4. Adverb:

  • The ancient tales were oftentimes prophesized to occur in distant lands.
  • She claimed that the catastrophe would inevitably and prophesizedly happen.

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