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Definitions from WordNet

Noun pre-schooler has 1 sense
  1. preschooler - a child who attends a preschool
    --1 is a kind of child, kid, youngster, minor, shaver, nipper, small fry, tiddler, tike, tyke, fry, nestling

Definitions from the Web



Pre-schoolers refer to young children between the ages of three and five who attend pre-school or nursery school. This term commonly denotes the stage of childhood before formal education begins, where children engage in early development activities and educational play.


Noun - Plural Form

1. The pre-schoolers were excitedly playing with building blocks in their classroom.

2. The park was filled with pre-schoolers enjoying outdoor activities and socializing.

Noun - Singular Form

1. My pre-schooler is eager to learn new things every day.

2. As a parent, it's crucial to engage with your pre-schooler through various educational activities.


1. The pre-schoolers' classroom was colorful and filled with playful learning resources.

2. She specialized in creating interactive, age-appropriate content for pre-schoolers.

Related Products:

Explore educational toys, books, and resources for pre-schoolers on Amazon.

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