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Adjective (Popular Sense): Referring to the period or conditions existing before a major financial or economic collapse.

Example sentence: The pre-crash economy was characterized by rampant speculation and overinflated asset prices.

Adjective (Local Sense): Pertaining to a time or state prior to a serious accident or collision.

Example sentence: The mechanic examined the car thoroughly to ensure that all pre-crash issues were identified and fixed.

Noun (Popular Sense): A prediction or analysis made before a disaster or catastrophe occurs.

Example sentence: The economist's pre-crash forecast was remarkably accurate, warning of an impending recession.

Noun (Local Sense): A feature in advanced vehicle systems that anticipates and prepares for a potential collision.

Example sentence: The latest model of the car comes equipped with an advanced pre-crash system that uses sensors to automatically apply the brakes if it detects an imminent accident.

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