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1. A small dog breed that is known for its curly or corded coat, usually associated with being a pet and known for their intelligence and hypoallergenic qualities.

Example sentence: I decided to get a poddle as a companion because they are small, friendly, and don't shed.

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1. (slang) To walk or stroll aimlessly, often without any particular destination in mind.

Example sentence: Since I had some free time, I decided to poddle around the city and explore new streets.

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1. (local) Pertaining to the poddle neighborhood in a specific city or town.

Example sentence: The poddle community in our city is known for its vibrant arts scene and lively music festivals.

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1. In a whimsical or carefree manner.

Example sentence: She danced poddly along the beach, embracing the freedom of the moment with every step.

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