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philip michael ondaatje


Definitions from WordNet

Noun philip michael ondaatje has 1 sense
  1. Ondaatje, Michael Ondaatje, Philip Michael Ondaatje - Canadian writer (born in Sri Lanka in 1943)
    --1 is a kind of writer, author

Definitions from the Web

Term: Philip Michael Ondaatje


Philip Michael Ondaatje, often known as Michael Ondaatje, is a renowned Canadian author and poet. He is widely celebrated for his poetic language, vivid imagery, and intricate storytelling. Ondaatje's works often delve into themes of love, war, and the complexities of human relationships. Through his distinctive writing style, he has captivated readers around the world.

Sample Sentences:

Noun: I recently finished reading Ondaatje's novel, "The English Patient."

Verb: I highly recommend exploring Ondaatje's captivating storytelling style.

Adjective: Ondaatje's prose has a mesmerizing effect on readers.

Adverb: She writes beautifully, just like Ondaatje.

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