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Definitions from WordNet

Noun phaeochromocytoma has 1 sense
  1. pheochromocytoma, phaeochromocytoma - a vascular tumor of the adrenal gland; hypersecretion of epinephrine results in intermittent or sustained hypertension
    --1 is a kind of tumor, tumour, neoplasm

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Phaeochromocytoma is a rare tumor that develops in the adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys. This tumor secretes excess hormones called catecholamines, such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, leading to various symptoms and potentially serious complications.


Sense 1 (Medical):

Definition: A tumor of the adrenal medulla or the sympathetic paraganglia, characterized by the excessive production of catecholamines.

Example sentence: The patient underwent surgery to remove the phaeochromocytoma in order to regulate their hormone levels.

Sense 2 (Popular):

Definition: A relatively uncommon tumor found in the adrenal glands, producing symptoms such as high blood pressure, excessive sweating, and rapid heartbeat.

Example sentence: She experienced unexplained weight loss, so her doctor ordered tests to check for the presence of a phaeochromocytoma.

Sense 3 (Local):

Definition: In a specific geographic region or community, a phaeochromocytoma may refer to an adrenal tumor with distinct characteristics or prevalence.

Example sentence: The town has seen a concerning rise in cases of local phaeochromocytoma, prompting further investigation by medical authorities.

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